i believe that life is one of the greatest adventures & i want nothing more to take on a new adventure there with this blog.
if i can reach out and make a change for just one person, let one person know that they are not alone, & that there is still beauty in the mist of the cRazIeSt realities, I will have done enough. everyone wants to be heard. things are REAL & even if you have given up before, or you don't see a point in going on, i want to CHaLlEngE you to tRy again.
ReBuiLd-> it is okay to forgive yourself & others.
everyday presents you with a new possibility - you never know what life can do for you or what you can do to change someone else's life.
So, here is my ChaLlenGe:
REBUILD with me, follow me, break with me, make mistakes with me, & refocus your life with me.
I am not an extraordinary person. I am just a girl... one girl in a world with a population of over 6 billion. I am from a small town, a town that you have probably never even heard of. I don't get all As, and I am not a super model, but I matter. I am MaKinG a DifFerEncE & i am spEakIng up & am liVinG life instEaD of waTchIng it PasS me by.
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