
You are the one

You're the one who takes me breath away with a kiss, you're the one who sets my heart racing when I pull up to your house, you're the one whose arms feel so perfect encircling my body.
You are.
You're the one I have been waiting for, the one I lean on, the one I love... you're the one I just can't seem to get enough of...
You are the one that makes me feel like every second matters, that each and every moment counts for something. You're the one that makes my face hurt from all the smiling I do, the one who makes my skin scream out for your touch.
You the one i just can't seem to get enough of & babe you will never know how you are the only one to ever make me feel like this.

There is nothing better

There truly is nothing better than waking up next to the person your with thinking, "I love you, I love you, I love you."


Things change

I look back on this year and I think about last summer, realizing that I have changed a lot over the time that has past. In some ways this is a good thing... getting rid of the old and replacing it with something new, but in other ways I wonder if I am really on the right track. You see things change, people grow up, habits change, & out minds are opened up like the pages of a unread book, just waiting to elaborate its story.


Awkward Situations

In this situation where I don't wanna cock block but at the same time I definitely do. Awkward.


We cannot change the past

We may not be able to change our past, but we can learn from it and make ourselves more alert and more responsive in the future. We can't rekindle old friendships or relationships the way they were either but we can try to repair the gaps and tension and work toward the reestablishment of a new and better friendship.


Getting laid

In this day and age it is becoming easier and easier to get laid. While some of you might be thinking that this may be true for me, a female member of the population, as opposed to my male counter part, you are wrong. You see if it is easy for a woman to get laid, who the hell do you think she is getting laid by? Yup, most likely, a male. Now I am not trying to take a stance of gay rights, nor am I advocating for solely straight relationships, rather I am just speaking in terms most people understand.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, it is no secret, it is getting easier to get laid. I mean for the ladies, let's face it, most women theses days have a decreasing sense of worth, dignity, and confidence. It really isn't our fault, nor is it something that is easily avoided. You see the media throws images at us about what it means to be sexy and what a woman needs to do for her man. The problem with this though is the fact that this message is largely being broadcasted by a male dominant society in which women, whether they'd like to admit it or not, are considered less. Instead of being held as an equal many woman remain underpaid, get lower jobs in the hierarchy of jobs, and are objectified on a daily basis.

Men, this one is for you. Did you realize that by objectifying woman you are only hurting yourself? Well if you didn't think about that, you probably should. You see, there are very promising women out there with capabilities to change the world, a big firm or company, or even the message our society continues to send females. Just because she is an easy lay doesn't really make a difference. In fact, if anything, you should want to work for something special, rather than something that is the norm for many women.

All in all I think that our society is headed in a terrible direction and that we need to do something about the message we are sending to other people, to ourselves, and our children. We need to take care now or there will only spell out dire consequences later. So ladies, focus on yourself, and men, keep it in your pants. Trust me, if you want something that is worth something, look to the future generations and see how to make a relationship last.


The frustrations of dieting

One thing every girl will attempt to do in their lives is dieting. Whether we want to admit it or not, we all know deep down that we have tried it. Now I am not necessarily saying a girl has to follow a plan or take a pill, no I am talking about dieting as a whole. The concept of regulating one's food intake. I am talking about telling your self that you won't go for that chocolate cake for desert, even though you could probably afford to eat it. I talking about going out of your way to check calories, buy the "right" foods, and in some cases consume the smallest amounts of food possible in any given day. I'm talking about eating meals & then working out...not stopping until you have worked off every single calorie you've consumed. Ya that's right, the salads at lunch AND dinner that tasteless, saltless trail mix instead of that nice tasteful bag of chex mix or a crunchy bag of potato chips. I'm talking about that deliberate effort to choose water and restricting yourself from eating after a certain hour of the night. Ya, that's right, I'm talking about dieting.

The problem with dieting is often that people have these extreme expectations, myself included. They want to loose X amount of weight in an extremely small amount of time. It is almost as if we can't help but want results, and not just any results, but measurable ones! You see, the issue here is that we begin to join these plans,buy these meals, and restrict our caloric intake, and all for what?.! So that we can sneak to the fridge at 2 am and eat a ice cream sandwich, or splurge on a food that we otherwise wouldn't have consumed this much of had we not restricted ourselves from eating it?! I mean it is almost as if we are setting ourselves up to fail. So, when we are on this vicious dieting spree we eventually cave in, we all do! We end up eating more than we wanted, splurging and then swearing to ourselves we will do better tomorrow, or the next day, or maybe the next ...  We tell ourselves that we will go to the gym for 6 hours, or we won't ever buy said food again. At the end of the day however, who are we really kidding? Ourselves.

Let's be honest, the promises we are making to ourselves, whether they be on a more regualr or spread out basis, are probably not being kept. In fact, you probably only feel worse and worse about your dieting experience each day this routine happens. You will sit there and look at your tummy, your legs, your arms, your back, or where ever happens to be your zone of focus and you tell yourself that you are a failure. You get into this poor state of mood and low and behold your body does this thing where it reacts and produces a hormone that MAKES YOU WANT TO EAT which in turn MAKES YOU GAIN EVEN MORE WEIGHT! Bam! Just like that you are back to square one. Perhaps you are even further behind than before!

So how do we stop all this nonsese? Is there a solution ... and if there is, what is it?
The solution to all the problems and the situations that likely apply to your life as a reader, as they likely should given the types of choices you have been making lately.
>>> The SOLUTION is eating normally. Ya, really. Who would have thought, right?? But it is true. It's ok to eat the foods you like, even the junk foods, so long as you do it in moderation. It is like anything in life, you have to do it in moderation.

So, ladies, and gents, if you are frustrated with your weight and the fact that you just can't seam to stick with a dieting plan, whether it be personal, or otherwise, I think you should take some good advice and try eating normally, or INCREASING your food intake. (that's right INCREASE)  It really works. Instead of 2 or 3 big meals a day, space it out a little more and snack every few hours and have a nice sandwich, fruit, veggies, and some meat in there.

If you are tired of your current situation, you want results, and you want to FEEL better too, try eating instead of dieting, and throw a little exericse in there too. Don't overdo it either,because I know you will want to at first.

Happy eating =)


New family member

Well what do you know, im a momma. His name is Max, & he is six weeks old. He is super cute, playful, and cuddly. He likes to scratch and bite a little bit in play but overall he is a extremely good kitten. =)



“The harder the confIict, the more glorious the triumph.”



Lately I have been falling in and out of a routine where I am feeling like myself again.
At this moment, with my abs gone, my legs getting chunkier, and yes my nightly eating binges going through the roof, i think it is about high time i got my act together and turned my life and mood back around.
I am going to do what I want to do and I am going to love what I do. I am going to fight for a chance to do the things that I have set out to do and I am going to figure out all the complications that are dragging me down. No more sad songs, pity parties, no more eating for no apparent reason... No more excess belly and leg fat. I am done with this crap. Baby I am working on my come back =)


I just wanna

Travel the world, meet a nice guy, have some good sex, make some money, live modestly, be happy, live passionately, and to do great things. Is that to much to ask?!.


Doing laundry

At 3 am is not the greatest venture I have ever took part in, but it is one of the most selfless things I have done. Dedication to school, family, & self. That's some self discipline.

Do Not Spend Life Dwelling on Unhappy Things

“Every moment you get is a gift. Spend it on things that matter. Don’t spend it by dwelling on unhappy things.”

Elegant and Regal

my favorite flower. so delicate, yet so bold.


somehow i decided to go on an adventure to a park in the frigid cold... this ultimately resulted in the hood up look. it's okay by me... i can pull it off ... (right?!)

i love Owls

you know you have an awesome best friend when she buys you a shirt that completes your life. =] <3 thank you miss laura maria

parks - the Wonder of Natural Power

where i claim Home

Another winter day has come and gone away & I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life ...
It’s like I just stepped outside when everything was going right ... feel all alone, I just want to go home ...

I might not know you now, but I Want to ...

water bed. i miss home.

i am the girl who

I am the girl who just wants to live a simple life... who dreams of getting by one day at a time, creating memories of the moments that will be remembered for a lifetime. I am the kind of girl who shuts out the world when headphones are in, who sings off key in the shower, and who runs just to feel the slamming heartbeat in my chest. I'm the kind of girl who would live with a camera if I could, especially if I was any good with one. I am the girl with a gaping heart, a wise mind, and a positive attitude. I am a girl with tattoos and a few piercings. I am the girl who has lived through a lot, who has learned from her mistakes, but who can admit to still slipping up from time to time. I am the girl who can admit she is wrong, who apologizes, but only when I mean it. I am the girl who believes in second chances, meaning, and beauty. I am the type of girl that loves to eat, laugh, and talk about almost anything. I am the type of girl that listens, who wants to listen. I am the type of girl with a complicated story, but it is not really a story I tell. I am the girl who smiles all the time, trips over her own two feet, and who prefers to be a mess. I am the girl you see wearing sweatpants and reading a good book at Boarders. I am the girl who doesn't match & couldn't if she tried. I am the girl who wears converse & studies until 3 am. I am the nerdy girl with the glasses, the athlete in  the gym, and the heart behind the lover. I am the girl who has her heart rooted in family and loyalty. But most importantly, I am just an ordinary girl with the privilege of living an extraordinary life.

Swing Life Away ...

wish i had pursued photography. i love taking pictures - capturing things that i love. this shot was taken with my Nikon in my backyard. BACK YARD MEMORIES =]

My campus here at MU

my tattoo - (dreamcatcher) that i applied to be placed in FUCKYATATTOOS

im a VW girl =)


I know

That I can be confident, but sometimes I feel shy when I am around you. It's almost as if everything is upside down and I don't know what it is but I just want to impress you. It isn't so much that I need your approval, it is more of a feeling of wanting to be accepted by you. It is sorta like a new world in which I just want to make the time with you count. I constantly find reasons and ways to spend more time talking to you. If you only knew how many times I went out of my way to spend five more minutes with you. You might be surprised, but to me, the extra time could never be a waste. I have a smile on my face every single time you run across my mind. I wish I just had the guys to tell you. Make me yours and I'll gladly make you mine <3.

Big win - super bowl 46

& after a long season and a tight game where they dominated a majority of the first half, only to fall behind in the end, as well as a attention grabbing comeback in the second half, the NY GIANTS took home a remarkable win, with plays & moments that will go down in history.


Albany --- New York

:) tryna get outta this town. It is just what I need. People are the same if you keep talking to the same people. Open to new people, places, & new things. Going to have a good time, it's my life. (If you don't like it, don't come along for the ride.) I can't wait to see what happens. Frat, foam party, what ever, letting loose with my girls Chlo and Mel. :) ready for a good night <3


Baby, if you wanna ...

If you wanna fly, you gotta give up the shit that weighs you down.



how much you  yourself determines the amount of respect you expect from others.  @ug1ies TWITTER


Remember ...

Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence & face your future without fear.



We stopped looking for monsters under our beds when we realized they were hiding in the people around us.

Love & people

Love doesn't walk away, people do