
Getting laid

In this day and age it is becoming easier and easier to get laid. While some of you might be thinking that this may be true for me, a female member of the population, as opposed to my male counter part, you are wrong. You see if it is easy for a woman to get laid, who the hell do you think she is getting laid by? Yup, most likely, a male. Now I am not trying to take a stance of gay rights, nor am I advocating for solely straight relationships, rather I am just speaking in terms most people understand.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, it is no secret, it is getting easier to get laid. I mean for the ladies, let's face it, most women theses days have a decreasing sense of worth, dignity, and confidence. It really isn't our fault, nor is it something that is easily avoided. You see the media throws images at us about what it means to be sexy and what a woman needs to do for her man. The problem with this though is the fact that this message is largely being broadcasted by a male dominant society in which women, whether they'd like to admit it or not, are considered less. Instead of being held as an equal many woman remain underpaid, get lower jobs in the hierarchy of jobs, and are objectified on a daily basis.

Men, this one is for you. Did you realize that by objectifying woman you are only hurting yourself? Well if you didn't think about that, you probably should. You see, there are very promising women out there with capabilities to change the world, a big firm or company, or even the message our society continues to send females. Just because she is an easy lay doesn't really make a difference. In fact, if anything, you should want to work for something special, rather than something that is the norm for many women.

All in all I think that our society is headed in a terrible direction and that we need to do something about the message we are sending to other people, to ourselves, and our children. We need to take care now or there will only spell out dire consequences later. So ladies, focus on yourself, and men, keep it in your pants. Trust me, if you want something that is worth something, look to the future generations and see how to make a relationship last.

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