
The frustrations of dieting

One thing every girl will attempt to do in their lives is dieting. Whether we want to admit it or not, we all know deep down that we have tried it. Now I am not necessarily saying a girl has to follow a plan or take a pill, no I am talking about dieting as a whole. The concept of regulating one's food intake. I am talking about telling your self that you won't go for that chocolate cake for desert, even though you could probably afford to eat it. I talking about going out of your way to check calories, buy the "right" foods, and in some cases consume the smallest amounts of food possible in any given day. I'm talking about eating meals & then working out...not stopping until you have worked off every single calorie you've consumed. Ya that's right, the salads at lunch AND dinner that tasteless, saltless trail mix instead of that nice tasteful bag of chex mix or a crunchy bag of potato chips. I'm talking about that deliberate effort to choose water and restricting yourself from eating after a certain hour of the night. Ya, that's right, I'm talking about dieting.

The problem with dieting is often that people have these extreme expectations, myself included. They want to loose X amount of weight in an extremely small amount of time. It is almost as if we can't help but want results, and not just any results, but measurable ones! You see, the issue here is that we begin to join these plans,buy these meals, and restrict our caloric intake, and all for what?.! So that we can sneak to the fridge at 2 am and eat a ice cream sandwich, or splurge on a food that we otherwise wouldn't have consumed this much of had we not restricted ourselves from eating it?! I mean it is almost as if we are setting ourselves up to fail. So, when we are on this vicious dieting spree we eventually cave in, we all do! We end up eating more than we wanted, splurging and then swearing to ourselves we will do better tomorrow, or the next day, or maybe the next ...  We tell ourselves that we will go to the gym for 6 hours, or we won't ever buy said food again. At the end of the day however, who are we really kidding? Ourselves.

Let's be honest, the promises we are making to ourselves, whether they be on a more regualr or spread out basis, are probably not being kept. In fact, you probably only feel worse and worse about your dieting experience each day this routine happens. You will sit there and look at your tummy, your legs, your arms, your back, or where ever happens to be your zone of focus and you tell yourself that you are a failure. You get into this poor state of mood and low and behold your body does this thing where it reacts and produces a hormone that MAKES YOU WANT TO EAT which in turn MAKES YOU GAIN EVEN MORE WEIGHT! Bam! Just like that you are back to square one. Perhaps you are even further behind than before!

So how do we stop all this nonsese? Is there a solution ... and if there is, what is it?
The solution to all the problems and the situations that likely apply to your life as a reader, as they likely should given the types of choices you have been making lately.
>>> The SOLUTION is eating normally. Ya, really. Who would have thought, right?? But it is true. It's ok to eat the foods you like, even the junk foods, so long as you do it in moderation. It is like anything in life, you have to do it in moderation.

So, ladies, and gents, if you are frustrated with your weight and the fact that you just can't seam to stick with a dieting plan, whether it be personal, or otherwise, I think you should take some good advice and try eating normally, or INCREASING your food intake. (that's right INCREASE)  It really works. Instead of 2 or 3 big meals a day, space it out a little more and snack every few hours and have a nice sandwich, fruit, veggies, and some meat in there.

If you are tired of your current situation, you want results, and you want to FEEL better too, try eating instead of dieting, and throw a little exericse in there too. Don't overdo it either,because I know you will want to at first.

Happy eating =)

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